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2015 National Blue Ribbon Award Winner Pembroke Pines – FSU Charter Elementary

Congratulations to Shine Award Winner Antonio Alves!

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Manatee County School District Improves

Gadsden, Dixie and Jefferson County School Districts Achieve Amazing Results in Math on 2013 FCAT 2.0
Press Release
May 29, 2013
Gadsden, Dixie and Jefferson County School Districts Achieve Amazing Results in Math on 2013 FCAT 2.0
Once again, Gadsden County third graders – for the 3rd year in a row – achieved remarkable results on the 2013 FCAT 2.0 Math. This year, despite continuing challenges in Reading (ranked 4th lowest in the state for 2013), their ranking in Math moved up to 3rd place among the 67 counties in Florida! Additionally, 71% of the students performed at or above proficiency compared to the state average of 58%. What an accomplishment!
Prior to establishing a district-wide partnership with ACALETICS®, Gadsden 3rd graders performed among the lowest 6 counties in Math. However, after entering a district-wide partnership with ACALETICS®,Gadsden County 3rd graders achieved breakthrough results moving from a ranking of 61 out of 67 counties in the state to 13th in 2011 and 6th in 2012.
ACALETICS® extends special congratulations to Dixie County (ACALETICS® Partner) and Jefferson County (ACALETICS® Partner) as they finished #1 and #2, respectively, out of 67 counties in the state for highest percentage point increases in Math for traditional schools (non-charter). Dixie County not only ranked #1 in the state for highest percentage-point increase in Math, it also earned a #1 ranking in the state for the highest percent of students scoring at/or above grade level (73%).
Congratulations to all stakeholders in Gadsden, Dixie and Jefferson counties who made this level of achievement possible. The ACALETICS® team, which provided comprehensive supplemental support to the district’s math program, is proud to be a part of this success and extend best wishes to all.
In 2010, ACALETICS® was recognized by the Florida Department of Education and the Council for Educational Change (CEC) as a Best Practice in Mathematics. Acaletics® is a program developed by Educational Development Associates, Inc. (EDA). EDA offers research-based, results-driven supplemental products and services that boost the performance and achievement of students in schools. Through its innovative ACALETICS® Math program, EDA has helped more than 300,000 students and over 400 schools dramatically improve classroom instruction and learning, test scores, and student competence and confidence by providing invaluable resources and direct support to school administrators, teachers and parents.
For additional information, contact us at 866 – 877-1222 or email customerservice@acaletics.com
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